Learning study och Lesson study


In what ways can Lesson Studies, Variation Theory and

Students’ knowing, students’ learning and the instruction was analyzed using narratology, phenomenography and Variation Theory. The results show that in order to make the knowing of storywriting teachable, students need to be able to discern two main aspects: (a) seeing the story from the reader’s perspective and (b) discerning that a story is built up by problems and solutions. T1 - Using social semiotics and variation theory to analyse learning challenges in physics: a methodological case study. AU - Eriksson, Moa. AU - Eriksson, Urban. AU - Linder, Cedric. PY - 2020. Y1 - 2020.

Learning study variation theory

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In P. Y. Ko (Chair), The use of the variation theory as a pedagogical tool for enhancing students' learning. Symposium conducted at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Designing New Learning Contexts for a Globalising World, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Request PDF | Learning Study Guided by Variation Theory: Exemplified by Children Learning to Halve and Double Whole Numbers | This study aims to describe how the learning study model can be used 2019-06-24 Learning Study projects have been widely carried out in schools in Hong Kong since early 2000 through various projects related to teacher professional development. Learning Study is different from Lesson Study in that the Variation Theory is embedded to guide teachers in addressing the focus and issues in student learning. Learning Study is a special type of Lesson Study. Its uniqueness lies in the adoption of Variation Theory as its guiding principle.

Åsa Lyrberg - Stockholms universitet

In previous studies, we have Corpus ID: 142441374. Theorizing teaching and learning : variation theory as the object of learning in a learning study @article{Brante2013TheorizingTA, title={Theorizing teaching and learning : variation theory as the object of learning in a learning study}, author={G. Brante and Mona Holmqvist Olander}, journal={European Journal of Teacher Education}, year={2013} } The theory provided a focus on the object of learning and a language to talk about teaching and learning. It also challenged teachers’ assumptions about teaching and learning and allowed them to be discussed.Originality/value– The paper addresses both teachers’ practice knowledge and Variation Theory in relation to a Learning Study.

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Symposium conducted at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Designing New Learning Contexts for a Globalising World, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Learning study variation theory

Theories combine what is known about genetics,  Sep 10, 2018 This is normal and expected in an educational system that groups for applying research-based strategies to address learner needs in your  These experiments eventually led to the theory of latent learning In their study 3 groups of rats had to find their way around a complex maze. At the end of the  Det visar en artikel från högskolan i Halmstad, där tre lärare och en forskare förbättrade en lektion om joner i en learning study.
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Learning study variation theory

The action research context has, as I shall show later, resulted in the further development of Variation Theory as it was tested in use.

Although some applications of the theory can be found, the theory is not well known in the field of education, especially with respect to the teaching of business and management subjects. Furthermore, the major focus of a learning study is on the objects of learning, i.e., on what students are expected to learn, rather than on the teaching arrangements. According to the variation theory, to help students appropriate certain objects of learning, certain patterns of variation and invariance that are co-constituted by the learners and based on Variation Theory.
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Using social semiotics and variation theory to analyse

Variation Theory for beginners Learning Outcome Circle .

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Keywords: variation theory, programming. 1 Introduction. Research has indicated that there are universal challenges in the teaching and learning of computing  Dec 24, 2019 The pilot study topic was of learning concepts of area and perimeter of rectangles .

The target readers are teachers and educational researchers who are interested The use of the variation theory in the learning study.