Lästips - Psykolog Jenny Rapp


Sustainable Interaction

(2009). Internet-Based Self-Help Versus One-Session Exposure in the Treatment of  [1] Hollis C, Hall CL, Guo B, et al. The impact of a computerised test of attention and activity (QbTest) on diagnostic decision- making in children  Articles in international peer reviewed scientific journals in 2021. 1. Amin R Pirkis J, John A, Shin S, DelPozo-Banos M, Arya V et al. (incl. Andersson G, Waara J, Jonsson U, Malmaeus F, Carlbring P, Ost L-G. Internet-  Johansson et al., 2012.

Carlbring et al. 2021

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22 Aug 2013 This treatment is being referred to as guided ICBT [Andersson et al., are administered online [Carlbring et al., 2007; Hedman et al., 2010], but  4 Dec 2020 Johansson et al [77] showed in a systematic review of 25 controlled trials that guided Article. Feb 2021; CONTEMP CLIN TRIALS e.g. in reducing depression and anxiety (Carlbring et al., 2018; Andersson et al., 2014) 9 Feb 2021 Using general practitioner records in the UK, Hughes et al5 noted that people diagnosed with fibromyalgia All models were adjusted (adj) for the number of non-pain risk factors on screening (two or three), age (years), 2 Jan 2018 Carlbring, P., Nilsson-Ihrfelt, E., Waara, J., et al (2005) Treatment of panic disorder: live therapy vs. self-help via Internet.

Publications from Professor Per Carlbring at Stockholm

(2021), International consensus on a standard set of outcome measures for child and youth anxiety, depression,  C. G., Bunnell, B. E., Koster, E. H. W., Zilcha-Mano, S., & Okon-Singer, H. (2021 ). Johansson R, Sjöberg E, Sjögren M, Johnsson E, Carlbring P, et al.

Sökresultat - DiVA

Studien förväntas avslutas i april 2021.

Carlbring et al. 2021

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Carlbring et al. 2021


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Publikationer - Institutionen för psykologi - Uppsala universitet

Läs artikeln i sin helhet (open access): Lindner, P., Hamilton, W., Miloff, A., & Carlbring, […] SGO 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer abstracts. For oral presentations, the embargo lifts on the day on which the presentation is being made. For poster presentations, the embargo lifts on the first day they are available for viewing during the meeting. FRIDAY, MARCH 19: ORAL ABSTRACTS.

DSM. DSM - psykiatribibeln. Per Carlbring. Koder Allt är med

Dresler, T., et al.

ASK TO BE EXCLUDED. by May 19, 2021: Get out of this lawsuit. Get no benefits from it. Keep your rights. Carlbring, P., Westling, B. E., Ljungstrand, P., et al (2001) Treatment of panic disorder via the Internet – a randomized trial of a self-help program.