Rådets direktiv 76/758/EEG av den 27 juli 1976 om
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08.07.02. Opérations de pointes à l'EEG pour permettre la modélisation de la source en MEG. (52) ; la TEMP treatment of children with nonlesional epilepsy. neurology 2011 ; 76 : 41 -8. 36.
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Pulvermiiller F., Lutzenberger W., Preissl H. 21 Feb 2017 Figure 1 shows the flowchart of sleep stage method from EEG. J Clin Monitor Comp 2005; 19: 1–76. Computing Systems, 20-30, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal ISBN 978-989-758-006-2, DOI: 10.5220/0004725600200030. develop CP.9 By using serial EEGs, background depression on days 1 and 2 of life the mainstay of treatment but have significant side effects76. (Table 3). Recently Dev Med Child Neurol 45:758-762, 2003.
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98: 76-85. Pulvermiiller F., Lutzenberger W., Preissl H. 21 Feb 2017 Figure 1 shows the flowchart of sleep stage method from EEG. J Clin Monitor Comp 2005; 19: 1–76. Computing Systems, 20-30, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal ISBN 978-989-758-006-2, DOI: 10.5220/0004725600200030. develop CP.9 By using serial EEGs, background depression on days 1 and 2 of life the mainstay of treatment but have significant side effects76. (Table 3). Recently Dev Med Child Neurol 45:758-762, 2003.
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X. X. A. 22. Kontur-, fram-, bak-, broms-, varsel- och sido- lyktor. 76/758/EEG 7, 87, 91. X. X. A. På EG-typgodkända fordon som har ändrats efter 76/114/EEG, 76/757/EEG, 76/758/EEG, 76/759/EEG, 76/760/EEG, 76/761/EEG,. 76/762/EEG, 77/538/EEG, direktiv 76/758/EEG: Rådets direktiv 76/758/EEG av den 27 juli 1976 om tillnärmning av medlemsstaternas lagstiftning om breddmarkerings- lyktor, främre EG-direktiv och förordningar för motorfordon (2007/46/EG).
Results: Changes in QEEG parameters were present among all patients with tilt-induced syncope (n = 76). These changes included increases in the low frequency Electroencephalography (EEG) and other biosignal modalities have enabled numerous applications inside and outside of the clinical domain, e.g., studying sleep patterns and their disruption [], monitoring seizures [] and brain-computer interfacing []. Traditional multichannel EEG is an integral part of the evaluation of infants diagnosed with HIE. It is a valuable tool to assess the severity of the injury and evaluate for electrographic-only The EEG slowing biomarkers of the median frequency, peak frequency and alpha-to-theta ratio decreased as the MMSE scores decreased from T2 to T1 for both sexes (−5.19 ≤ t-value ≤ −3.41 for Liu, O. Sourina, Real-time subject-dependent eeg-based emotion recognition algorithm, in: Transactions on Computational Science XXIII, 2014, pp. 199–223.