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6.2.10. TABLE OF. Table 3206.2 serves as an index for the requirements for the protection of high-piled combustible storage based on the building occupancy, the area of storage, the commod- ity classification and the type of storage. 2012 IFC Table 3206.2, Page 268 TABLE 3206.2 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3206.2 Extent and type of protection. Where required by Table 3206.2, fire detection systems, smoke and heat removal and automatic sprinkler design densities shall extend the lesser of 15 feet (4572 mm) beyond the high-piled storage area or to a permanent partition.

Table 3206.2

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15,000SF, 2B Construction with 7,500sf of 20' height racks and 7,500sf assembly and shipping. Commodity Class I (metal fabrications/milled parts) IFC Table 3206.2 has 2 options sprinkled/nonsprinkled. IBC TABLE 508.4 has no separation requirement F-2/S-2. Since rack storage is IFC 3203.2 class TABLE 3206.2 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION and LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (The table below is extracted from 2012 IFC, Chapte r 23 – See IFC Chapter 23 for complete information) Size of High-Piled ALL STORAGE AREAS SOLID-PILED STORAGE, SHELF required by Table 3206.2 will be based on the individual HPS areas commodity classification and extends the lesser of 15 feet in all direction or to a full height partition. In sprinklered buildings with multi-tenant spaces, where the HPS area is > 12,000 ft. 2 the plan only needs to show the protection and life safety requirements per Table In some instances, the table offers an alternate between providing either an automatic fire-extinguishing system or fire detection, building access, and smoke and heat removal.

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N o t required W h e r e storage areas are protected b y either e a r l y suppression fast response  Jan 28, 2016 Table 601, “Fire-Resistance Rating Requirements for Building Elements 3206.2 of the Dallas [Intcrnationalj Fire Code for buildings and  Section 3206.2 Exception J of Table 3206.2 of the California Fire Code is deleted . SEC. 96.1.3318. FUEL MODIFICATION ZONE REQUIREMENTS. Section 3318   required by the International Building Code, Table 602 is maintained from property lines or other Table 3206.2 Storage fire protection.

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Table 3206.2

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Table 3206.2

Table 3206.2 indicates for high-piled storage over 2,501 ft 2 can require smoke and heat vents and Section 3206.7 refers to Section 910 in the IFC. Table 3206.2: This area shall include the “footprint” of the actual storage array (racks, shelves, fixtures, or pallets), inclusive of aisles within the storage area(s). When individual storage arrays are separated by less than 15-foot spaces, the spaces shall be considered aisles and shall be High Hazard Commodity Max6’ TABLE 3206.2 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS; COMMODITY CLASS: SIZE OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREA a (square feet) (see Sections 3206.2 and 3206.4) ALL STORAGE AREAS (See Sections 3206, 3207 and 3208) b: SOLID-PILED STORAGE, SHELF STORAGE AND PALLETIZED STORAGE (see Section 3207.3) Automatic fire-extinguishing system (see Table 3206.2 X * The California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 19, Division 1 provisions that are found in the California Fire Code are a reprint from the current CCR, Title 19, Division 1 text for the code user's convenience only.

• Where building access is required by IFC Table 3206.2, fire access roads in accordance with Section 503 shall be provided within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of buildings used for high-piled combustible Storage.
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Table 3206.2, footnote h; change text to read as follows: h.

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Where required by Table 3206.2, fire detection systems, smoke and heat removal and automatic sprinkler design densities shall extend the lesser of 15 feet (4572 mm) beyond the high-piled storage area or to a permanent partition. Implications Based on the Commodity Class and the total amount of high-piled storage, basic requirements can be determined from Table 3206.2. The significant implication of Table 3206.2 is that once the storage area of Commodities Class I-IV exceeds 12,000 SF, more requirements such as a mandatory automatic sprinkler system, building access and smoke and heat removal apply. 15,000SF, 2B Construction with 7,500sf of 20' height racks and 7,500sf assembly and shipping. Commodity Class I (metal fabrications/milled parts) IFC Table 3206.2 has 2 options sprinkled/nonsprinkled. IBC TABLE 508.4 has no separation requirement F-2/S-2. Since rack storage is IFC 3203.2 class TABLE 3206.2 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION and LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (The table below is extracted from 2012 IFC, Chapte r 23 – See IFC Chapter 23 for complete information) Size of High-Piled ALL STORAGE AREAS SOLID-PILED STORAGE, SHELF required by Table 3206.2 will be based on the individual HPS areas commodity classification and extends the lesser of 15 feet in all direction or to a full height partition.