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Any financial surplus earned by IOP Publishing goes to support science through the activities of IOP. Tutorial ini tentang bagaimana cara mengecek jurnal yang sudah terindeks masuk klaster Q berapa di , apakah Q ICMMME 2021; Attending Program; Venue and Transportation; Calls & Submission Call for Papers 2020-10-12 The Fourth International Conference on Physics, Mathematics and Statistics (ICPMS2021) will be held during May 19-21, 2021 in Kunming, China. ICPMS is an annual international conference, aims to provide the best platform for researchers and scholars worldwide to discuss recent developments in the area of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics. On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially CMSA2021. 2021 3rd International Conference on Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm (CMSA2021) will be held in Shanghai, China during July 4-5, 2021 based on the great previous success. The purpose of 3rd CMSA2021 is to provide an extraordinary and beneficial platform for all participants to share innovative opinions with the other scholars.

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Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH) (Scopus Q3)* International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE) (Scopus)* Journal of Physics: Conference Series – IOPscience (Scopus)** *with additional fee **with additional fee (IDR 1.500.000,- or USD 150) 9th Annual International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2021) July 23-25, Guiyang, Guizhou, China ICMSE2021公告: 1. 第九届ICMSE2021已进入 Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 系列出版列表,继续由该出版社出版,欢迎广大作者踊跃参与! 2020-10-12 · IOPscience.

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第九届ICMSE2021已进入 Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 系列出版列表,继续由该出版社出版,欢迎广大作者踊跃参与! 2020-10-12 · IOPscience. Conference Dates. October 18-19, 2020.
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Then, the International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology is the best option to quickly and effortlessly publish paper in Scopus journal of superior quality. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH) (Scopus Q3)* International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE) (Scopus)* Journal of Physics: Conference Series – IOPscience (Scopus)** *with additional fee **with additional fee (IDR 1.500.000,- … Notice 1.

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2021 3rd International Conference on Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm (CMSA2021) will be held in Shanghai, China during July 4-5, 2021 based on the great previous success. The purpose of 3rd CMSA2021 is to provide an extraordinary and beneficial platform for all participants to share innovative opinions with the other scholars.

A platform for IOP-hosted journal content; for searching literature in the field of physics and the applications of physics. Allows you to evaluate and compare journals. Uses citation data drawn from scholarly and technical journals. Includes virtually all areas of science, technology, and social sciences. 2020-05-01 The open-access IOP Conference Series provides a fast, versatile and cost-effective proceedings publication service for your conference. Proceedings are an important part of the scientific record, documenting and preserving work presented at conferences worldwide. Key publishing subject areas include: physics, materials science, environmental IOP--ICREC--EI Compendex, Scopus 2021 IOP--2021 the 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation (ICREC 2021)--EI Compendex, Scopus : EJSD Journal 2021 European Journal of Sustainable Development : IOP--PEIE--EI Compendex, Scopus 2021 IOP--2021 Internatonal Conference on Power, Energy and Industrial Engineering (PEIE 2021)--EI Compendex, Scopus Are you an Engineering major searching for top Scopus Engineering journals, in order to publish paper in Scopus?